Research news

Petroleum scientists receive Tatarstan State Award in Science and Technology

The team comprises employees of Kazan Federal University, the Institute of Earth Physics (Russian Academy of Sciences), and Tatneft, one of Russia’s biggest oil companies. The ceremony was held on 2 February in Kazan Kremlin and featured Rais (Governor) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. Two awardees represent the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies – Senior Research Associate Eduard Ziganshin (Laboratory...

Report out on new nano-catalyst for recovery of viscous oil

Scientists from the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies of Kazan Federal University have solved the problem of stabilizing catalysts in water, significantly increasing economic efficiency. The development is planned to be applied at the Ashalchi field in Tatarstan. Today, unconventional oil recovery requires technologies characterized by high efficiency in terms of both productivity and minimal...

Surfactant adsorption studied in digital core models

A paper appeared in Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Scientists of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies have obtained new results in the field of physicochemical hydrodynamics, characterizing the influence of surface tension and boundary wetting angle on the adsorbed amount of surfactants. Understanding the role and strength of factors affecting adsorption of surface-active agents (surfactants)...

Researchers test binary systems for downhole treatment of heavy oil

A joint paper with Samaraneftegaz and SamaraNIPIneft saw light in Processes. In the course of recent research, the KFU team proved that highly concentrated binary compositions are capable of releasing more gas and heat in the process of thermal-gas-chemical reaction. The development provides effective thermochemical treatment of downhole zones of wells. "In order to increase the coverage...

Grant winner Dilyara Kuzina to study magnetic properties of rocks from Atacama Desert

Dilyara Kuzina (Laboratory of Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology and Paleomagnetism) is among the 19 KFU winners of the latest round of Russian Science Foundation funding. Kuzina’s PhD thesis was dedicated to magnetic methods of detecting space substances in sedimental rocks; she has also partaken in an expedition for meteorites. Her new project is aimed at studying magnetic properties of...

Fourth test conducted with UniCat catalyst in Samara Oblast

The In-Situ Combustion Lab continues its field testing in Samara Oblast. Commissioned by RITEK, KFU scientists arrived at Aksyonov oil field on 22 November to organize a field test of a catalyst precursor based on iron, nickel, and cobalt. Lab Head Alexey Vakhin comments, "The effectiveness of this catalyst precursor in regard to oil refining was...

Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons developing nanotechnology for oil recovery

The Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery has studied the influence of sodium metal nanoparticles on oil recovery. Unfavorable geological conditions and low economic efficiency of oil production intensify innovation activities for the creation and further application of new technologies. Among the technological innovations are nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, in particular, organic dispersion of metallic sodium nanoparticles. It...

Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies represented at the Companion Event of the Congress of Young Scientists

The conference was organized at Perm State University of Humanities and Pedagogy on 4 – 6 October. Among the topics were environmental issues of the Kama Region, regional infrastructure, synergy between education and the industry, and new energy sources. Four workgroups comprising experts from various fields were formed, and each group was to defend its own project...

KFU team continues research of copper-based catalysts for in-situ oil upgrading

A new paper saw light in Energy & Fuels. “We have obtained an effective catalytic composition based on a copper compound using an organic compound as a ligand. This catalyst accelerates the oxidation of heavy oil in porous media, reducing its viscosity and the content of heavy compounds in its composition,” says co-author Seyedsaeed Mehrabi-Kalajahi, Junior Research Associate...

Neural networks used to improve quality of digital rock images

A joint paper by KFU, University of Zanjan (Iran), and Bochum University of Applied Sciences appeared in Acta Geophysica. The introduction of machine learning reduces the limitations arising from tomographic imaging of rock samples: it becomes possible to improve the detail of sufficiently large samples, which in the future may contribute to the direct validation of numerical modeling...