Department of Geophysics and Geo-Information Technologies

Chair: Damir Khassanov, Candidate of Science (PhD)

Phone : +7 843 2337375


Address: Kazan, Kremlyovskaya 4/5, room 110


Bachelor courses


Nuclear geophysics

Geophysical well logging

Improper problems of geophysics

Theoretical basics of geophysical data analysis

Field theory

Well research in petroleum geology

Seismic survey

Control of petroleum and gas deposit development

Complex geophysical methods


Field geophysics

Ore geophysics

Master courses

Contemporary technologies of petroleum and gas territory forecasting

Computer modeling of geophysical processes

Contemporary technologies of interpretation of geophysical data of well research

Algorithms and technologies of seismic data treatment

Seismic survey on water areas

Dynamic characteristics of elastic waves

Seismic stratigraphy

Petrophysical properties of rocks

Gravity survey in petroleum and gas geology