Tag - Russian Science Foundation

Scientists have revealed the synergistic effect of nickel stearate and decalin on the kinetics of processes occurring during heavy oil production

Aquathermolysis catalysts and solvents that can produce hydrogen at elevated temperatures are promising agents for improving the efficiency of oil production using water vapor injection technologies. The aquathermolysis process can reduce the viscosity of heavy crude oil and its sulfur content. In recent years, it has been used for industrial purposes to extract and partially refine...

Research shows acetic acid salts simplify the production of heavy oil

Picture URL: https://pubs.acs.org/cms/10.1021/acs.iecr.3c04335/asset/images/medium/ie3c04335_0016.gif KFU's project is supported by the Russian Science Foundation. According to the official website of the Russian Science Foundation, Kazanian scientists managed to find out that acetates - salts of acetic acid with transition metals - in combination with steam treatment reduce the viscosity of heavy oil by 58%. This approach was 19% more...

Grant winner Dilyara Kuzina to study magnetic properties of rocks from Atacama Desert

Dilyara Kuzina (Laboratory of Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology and Paleomagnetism) is among the 19 KFU winners of the latest round of Russian Science Foundation funding. Kuzina’s PhD thesis was dedicated to magnetic methods of detecting space substances in sedimental rocks; she has also partaken in an expedition for meteorites. Her new project is aimed at studying magnetic properties of...