Ongoing cooperation discussed with Union Cuba-Petróleo

Head of Training and Development Mario Miranda Márquez and HR Director Tania Pérez Delgado visited on 3 and 4 October. Since 2018, the Institute has been cooperating with Cuba's national oil company, having graduated 25 master's degree students and 267 short-term training students. In June 2023, Minister of Higher Education of Cuba Walter Baluja Garcia toured IGPT and...

Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism conference held at Institute

The opening took place on 2 October. The event is devoted to the study of the modern geomagnetic field, as well as the study of the geomagnetic field in the historical and geological past, and the application of magnetism and rock paleomagnetism in various fields of science. "Each year the workshop is attended by 70 to 160...

Institute projects represented at RAO/CIS Offshore in Saint-Petersburg

The forum took place on 26 - 29 September. The conference on oil and gas projects of the Russian Arctic and offshore areas is organized on odd years. It features representatives of governments, businesses, and research centers of the Commonwealth of Independent States. KFU's sizable delegation comprised Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences Danis Nurgaliev, Deputy Director of...

KFU team continues research of copper-based catalysts for in-situ oil upgrading

A new paper saw light in Energy & Fuels. “We have obtained an effective catalytic composition based on a copper compound using an organic compound as a ligand. This catalyst accelerates the oxidation of heavy oil in porous media, reducing its viscosity and the content of heavy compounds in its composition,” says co-author Seyedsaeed Mehrabi-Kalajahi, Junior Research Associate...

Institute team GeoBars wins geological competition in Ufa

1st International Geological Contest GeoChallenge was held in Ufa, Bashkortostan, on 16 - 22 September 2023. Vocational school students and higher school freshmen and sophomores were eligible. "The championship included many competitions, the most interesting of which for me was the Excursion Geological Trail. For it, it was necessary to make a project of an excursion...

Students visit LUKOIL facilities as part of More Than a Job project

The project is supervised by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs and its partners. During the trip, 15 students of geology and petroleum engineering toured Polazna oil field in Perm Krai, visited a field treatment installation in Kamenny Log, and went to the company’s labs and centers. A meeting at the Government of Perm Krai then...

Institute representative contributes to Pipes 2023 conference

  The 25th meeting of Russian pipe industrialists was held in Chelyabinsk on 13 - 15 September. A thematic roundtable on energy transition for sustainable development was organized by Russian Research Pipe Institute, subsidiary of TMK (Pipe Metallurgy Company). It was moderated by Deputy Director of the Center for Energy Transition of Skoltech University Irina Gaida. Chair...

Neural networks used to improve quality of digital rock images

A joint paper by KFU, University of Zanjan (Iran), and Bochum University of Applied Sciences appeared in Acta Geophysica. The introduction of machine learning reduces the limitations arising from tomographic imaging of rock samples: it becomes possible to improve the detail of sufficiently large samples, which in the future may contribute to the direct validation of numerical modeling...

Statistical research advances understanding of oil displacement

Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons submitted a new paper to Geoenergy Science and Engineering. The search for a solution to the problem of representativeness of core material sizes, on which pore space structure studies, filtration characteristics measurement, and chemical studies are carried out, has been going on for several decades. The most widespread today is the deterministic approach,...

Supervisory board of the Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons holds regular meeting

Rais (Governor) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov helmed the event. Rector Lenar Safin spoke about the Center’s main activities, “Research is conducted in three main areas. It is about developing technologies for prospecting and exploration of large fields on the shelf and unexplored territories, creating new technology for the development of giant fields that have been exploited...