Geology and petroleum science to be featured at 3rd OIC Youth Congress – applications open

Over 100 young scientists are planned to join the event on 6 – 9 November 2024.
Among the announced thematic sessions biomedicine and biotechnology, geology and petroleum technologies, international relations and international law, architecture and design, and educational technologies.
The Congress is open to young researchers aged 18 to 35 representing OIC member and observer countries. The official language of the Congress is English.
Applications for participation in the Congress are accepted until September 8 on the website of the Academy of Youth Diplomacy.
Articles of the congress participants will be published in the collection. (Abstracts of 1-2 pages should be attached to the application form. The requirements for the scientific article can be found here).
The partners of the Congress are the OIC Youth Forum, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, and the OIC Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH). In 2023, the 2nd International Scientific Congress brought together 150 young researchers from 25 countries.