Carbonate Sediments 2024 hosted by Institute

The conference takes up August 14 to 16.
It brings together more than 150 experts from leading Russian oil companies, universities of the country, as well as experts in the study of carbonate reservoirs.
The program of the event, which along with KFU is organized by the Association of Geologists, Geophysicists and Engineers and the Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons, includes more than 100 reports on enhanced oil recovery in carbonate reservoirs. Round tables on this topic will also be held.
The conference was opened by Acting Director of IGPT Vladimir Silantyev, who noted that most of the participants are representatives of a number of production companies, which indicates the relevance of the issues to be discussed.
“I wish all of you interesting reports, discussions, useful exchange of opinions. I hope that the conference will be an impetus for future scientific discoveries and industrial achievements,” he said.
According to the Director, carbonate rocks are studied in most of the laboratories of the Institute. One of the highlights of the conference was a visit of its participants to the labs and a lively discussion of the problems of carbonate reservoir development on the example of core samples.
Welcoming speeches at the opening of the event were also made by: Deputy Director for Research of IGPT Anton Kolchugin, President of the Association of Geologists, Geophysicists and Engineers of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vorobyov, Deputy Head of the Department of Field Development of Tatneft Azat Lutfullin, Deputy Director for Marketing, Director of the Center for Advanced Training, Management and Marketing of IGPT Ildus Chukmarov.
“This conference will be an important platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience, contributing to further development and improvement of technologies in carbonate sediment development, which will certainly affect the efficiency of the oil industry,” said Vladislav Sudakov, chairman of the organizing committee of the conference, Deputy Director of IGPT for Innovation.
He noted that the participants have a unique opportunity to study a reference section of Permian sediments during the field workshops on the Geologist steamship, the Institute’s in-house geological expedition vessel.