Tag - Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery

Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons presented its work at ADIPEC 2023 in Abu Dhabi

The annual oil and gas forum was held on 2 - 5 October. The 2023 event became the largest ever, having been attended by 160,000 visitors, comprising 350 thematic sessions with 1,600 contributors, including over 40 ministers and 120 executives of the energy sector. ADIPEC is organized by ADNOC, Ministry of Energy of UAE, and Society...

Neural networks used to improve quality of digital rock images

A joint paper by KFU, University of Zanjan (Iran), and Bochum University of Applied Sciences appeared in Acta Geophysica. The introduction of machine learning reduces the limitations arising from tomographic imaging of rock samples: it becomes possible to improve the detail of sufficiently large samples, which in the future may contribute to the direct validation of numerical modeling...

UniCat oil catalyst tested at Strelovo oilfield in Samara Oblast

KFU’s Laboratory of Catalytic Aquathermolysis continues its research in in-situ oil refining. In June of this year, a catalyst precursor was tested at the same oilfield. The observations showed its efficiency for heavy oil reservoirs. On 16 August, a pilot field test was held on commission from RITEK LLC. “Aquathermolysis catalysts function in the porous medium of...

New study reveals potential of Domanik formation in Russia’s Volga-Ural basin

A joint research by KFU and Saudi Arabian (King Saud University) and Malaysian (University of Malaya) scientists saw light in Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. As demonstrated by recent studies by the Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery, most of the studied Domanic carbonate samples with depths ranging from 1726.5 meters to 1784.9 meters have now reached...

First in the world monograph on catalytic underground oil refining published by Kazan Federal University

A press briefing was held on 10 August at Tatar-Inform agency. The briefing featured Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences Danis Nurgaliev, General Director of Tatarstan Petroleum Chemistry Investment Holding Rafinat Yarullin, and co-authors of the book, Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering Mikhail Varfolomeev, Invited Professor Jorge Ancheyta, Senior Research Associate Irek Mukhamatdinov, and Senior Research Associate Jose Guillermo Felix Lugo. Director...

KFU’s reagents for enhanced oil recovery presented in Tyumen

The conference "Science in the design and development of oil fields - new opportunities" was held in Tyumen by Rosneft. Alexander Bolotov, Senior Research Associate of the Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery, shared details about KFU's work on reagents for EOR. "At the conference, I presented new reagents developed in KFU laboratories, and also presented successful results...

In-situ combustion tests continue at Natih B oilfield in Oman

A paper by Kazan University saw light in FUEL. The ability to profitably develop unconventional hydrocarbon resources is an important aspect of the oil and gas industry. This is true for many countries, with Russia and the Middle East, primarily Oman, deserving special attention. Among unconventional resources, deposits of oil shale hold a special place. In...