Tag - Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons

Carbonate Sediments 2024 hosted by Institute

The conference takes up August 14 to 16. It brings together more than 150 experts from leading Russian oil companies, universities of the country, as well as experts in the study of carbonate reservoirs. The program of the event, which along with KFU is organized by the Association of Geologists, Geophysicists and Engineers and the Center for...

KFU represented at the Developing Carbon Potential – Green Technologies conference in Ufa

The event took place at Ufa State Petroleum Technical University on May 21 - 23, organized by the Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons and the Institute of Scientific Communication. More than 100 leading scientists and talented young researchers from foreign and Russian universities, as well as authoritative figures of science and higher education from other countries, such...

Institute featured at Oman Petroleum and Energy Show 2024

4 reports were presented by KFU's Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons on 22 - 24 April. The extensive program of the event was attended by more than 15,000 specialists in hydrocarbons and energy from 300 companies representing 24 countries. The delegation of Kazan University comprised Mikhail Varfolomeev, Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Vladislav Sudakov, Deputy...

Tatarstan UpExPro 2024 organized at Institute

The conference was organized by the Society of Petroleum Engineers KFU Student Chapter with the support of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies and the Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons. From April 11 to 14, representatives of educational institutions, as well as young scientists and specialists of organizations of the oil and gas industry of Tatarstan...