KFU to open Low Tonnage Chemistry Technology Park

KFU to open Low Tonnage Chemistry Technology Park

Big news were announced at a morning briefing on 24 February.

“The department will manage and control continuing education and vocational training,” the Rector specified. “Considering that a new education development strategy is currently being discussed, where much attention is paid to the role of additional education and professional development, and where Kazan University is the head organization of the working group in this area, the issue of creating such a department in the structure of our university is extremely relevant.”

In addition, in order to organize the work of the national project Personnel, it is planned to additionally create the Higher School for the Development of Teaching Staff and the Career Center, which will provide assistance in employment for KFU alumni.

The departments will be overseen by the new Vice-Rector for Continuing Education Ilnur Khairullin, who previously held the position of Advisor to the Rector.

Also, according to Lenar Safin, the structure of the university will include the Small Tonnage Chemical Technology Park.

“At the Future Technologies Forum, the President of Russia noted that in order to achieve scientific and technological leadership, Russia needs to achieve excellence in chemistry and in the production of new materials. Our university has a good foundation in these areas,” concluded the Rector.

He appointed Mikhail Varfolomeev, Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, as the head of the park.

At the moment, the technology park will work in three main areas: heterogeneous catalysts, superstructural plastics, and Industrial chemistry.