Golovkinsky Readings 2023 held at Institute
7th International Golovkinsky Conference on Upper Paleozoic in Russia was held on 23 – 25 October.
The forum is named after Nikolay Golovkinsky (1834 – 1897), one of the authors of the empirical law on the regular sequence and age sliding of facies in a sedimentary basin. It laid the basis for sequence stratigraphy. Golovkinsky was the first professor of geology at Kazan University.
Chair of the Department of Paleontology and Stratigraphy Vladimir Silantyev noted, “Every year the conference attracts the attention of both Russian and foreign scientists, as it is a convenient platform for exchange of experience, research and new materials on a wide range of issues: geology, geochronology, ancient climate, oil production. For many, participation in the conference is a great opportunity to find new partners, customers or to meet colleagues and discuss joint projects.”
The conference contained the following sections:
- Stratigraphy and paleontology
- Geochemical methods and their application to various aspects of geology
- Environment, paleoclimate, paleogeography, biota and facies
- Mineralogy, lithology, and geophysical methods
- Temporal and spatial aspects of sedimentary basin evolution: basin types, stages of development, modeling and oil and gas content
- Upper Paleozoic of Russia: stratigraphy, paleoclimate, geochronology, petroleum resource
“The conference covered a wide range of issues from paleontology to oilfield geology. I presented several papers, including one single-authored, one collective, and two co-authored. The topic were stratigraphy and regional geology of Northeastern Russia,” commented Alexander Byakov, Head of the Laboratory of Regional and Geophysics of the Northeastern Comprehensive Research Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences).
KFU Professor Ruslan Mukhametshin shared, “I reported on the stratifciation of a complex part of the section – the Bashkir tier of Tatarstan.”
Head of the Institute’s Student Scientific Club Veronika Zharinova held a master class on the microsculpture of Phyllopoda.