Institute shows new developments and holds meetings at TatOilExpo 2024

Among the many events was the agreement signing with Yugra State University.
The Forum is an effective platform for exchange of ideas, discussion of key industry issues by Russian and foreign specialists and the scientific community of the oil and gas industry, demonstration of the latest developments and technologies, and a meeting place for the scientific, industrial and business communities.
Kazan Federal University traditionally takes part in the forum. For the fourth year in a row it organizes a stand at TatOilExpo under the auspices of the Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons.
This year, as part of the forum, KFU organized a roundtable Solving the problems of the oil and gas industry within the framework of a world-class scientific center.
“In the report we presented technologies relevant for the oil and gas production industry, which are aimed at reducing the costs of prospecting and exploration of new fields, reducing the environmental burden and economic costs of their development, increasing oil production, as well as the digital transformation of the industry. These technologies have been developed by the Center’s scientists,” emphasized Danis Nurgaliev, Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences.
One part of KFU’s stand was dedicated to water projects.
“Water is a unique substance. It is the basis of all living things, a valuable resource, and also a research tool,” said Junior Research Associate Ilyas Bashirov. “We consider water from the point of view of human health, a source of valuable mineral resources, scientific works, achievements, and future plans to use water in various branches of life.”
“The zone of specialized chemistry for oil and gas industry presents unique samples of surfactants, polymers, gels and binary systems, and other specialized reagents developed by specialists of Kazan Federal University on the basis of domestic raw materials for a wide range of reservoir conditions of Russian fields. These innovative products are relevant in the context of modern chemical methods of enhanced oil recovery, as they allow to significantly increase the efficiency of oil production and reduce operating costs. The use of domestic raw materials ensures high quality of products and their availability for oil producing companies. Also, KFU plans to create and develop a center for engineering development on low-tonnage chemistry and increasing technological maturity of new products of Kazan Federal University on the basis of its own projected production site,” said Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering Mikhail Varfolomeev.
Another zone was devoted to carbonate deposits, which are a strategically important development site in the Republic of Tatarstan, accounting for 52% of all oil deposits in the region, and their potential has not yet been exhausted. Kazan Federal University has a number of unique technologies and techniques for studying carbonate reservoirs, including innovative enhanced oil recovery methods. The university’s fundamental knowledge of basin modeling and reconstruction of sedimentation conditions, as well as our close cooperation with oil companies in the region, allow us to successfully develop carbonate reservoirs.
“The unique geological conditions of Tatarstan create favorable prerequisites for successful development of carbonate reservoirs, which will contribute to strengthening the region’s position as a leading center of the oil industry in Russia and beyond,” noted Deputy Director of IGPT for Innovation Vladislav Sudakov.
The Center for Advanced Training (CdoGEO) also joined the exhibition.
Director of CdoGEO Ildus Chukmarov noted, “During the event we met with our long-standing partners and alumni, including representatives of Tatneft, TNG-Group, Belorusneft. It was a pleasure to communicate with Nikolai Kuzmichyov, Director of Neft 21 Vek LLC, with whom we realized courses for managers and specialists of CUPET (Cuba). With representatives of the China University of Petroleum we discussed the expansion of cooperation in education. We also had a meeting with representatives of the Venezuelan oil and gas company PDVSA, during which we discussed the content of the memorandum and the implementation of advanced education courses for PDVSA employees. In addition, during the forum the awarding of laureates for scientific achievements in various nominations took place. Alexei Vakhin, Head of the In-Situ Combustion Lab, was awarded with the 2nd degree diploma for the development of a new thermobarochemical technology for the development of hard-to-recover fields. And the 2nd degree diploma was awarded to Alexander Bolotov, Associate Professor of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, for the development of a kinetic inhibitor of hydrate formation.”