Contests and awards

Alfayaad Assim Gani Khashim named Engineer of the Year in Tatarstan

He won in the Petroleum Science nomination. The 6th Engineer of the Year competition attracted 300 participants from various industries. PhD student Alfayaad pitched an ultrasound treatment technology for bottom hole zones of reservoirs to enhance oil recovery. The topic is also the basis of his PhD thesis. “My participation experience was very interesting, as many experienced...

Almohamad Alfandi Mohamad becomes first international student to win Student Startup funding

His project is titled ‘Development of non-oxidized bitumen for road construction through catalytic refining of heavy oil residue’. Mr Al Mohamad, 4th year PhD student of petroleum engineering, is among the 10 winners of the latest Student Startup selection session from KFU. The Syrian national says that he chose road bitumen as his PhD topic, “This topic...

8th Open Championship of Geological Cases CASE – YouGEO held at Institute

The event was organized on 3 November. Over 200 middle schoolers and high schoolers joined the competition, including young people from Orenburg Oblast and Moscow Oblast. This year, the topic was natural gas. The contestants had to defend their cases before a jury. Everyone was greeted by First Vice-Rector Dmitry Tayursky, Head of the Section of Secondary Education and...

Institute team GeoBars wins geological competition in Ufa

1st International Geological Contest GeoChallenge was held in Ufa, Bashkortostan, on 16 - 22 September 2023. Vocational school students and higher school freshmen and sophomores were eligible. "The championship included many competitions, the most interesting of which for me was the Excursion Geological Trail. For it, it was necessary to make a project of an excursion...

KFU IT Lyceum team wins 14th Russian Field Olympiad of Young Geologists

The tournament was organized in Almetyevsk District of Tatarstan from 27 July to 7 August. 32 teams from Russia and neighboring countries joined the competition. The IT Lyceum pupils won both all-Russian and international contests. The team is called Romashki (Daisies) and trained by Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies student Bulat Gazizullin. He has been training the...

KFU students third in OilCase 2023 contest

The results of the largest Russian competition in case solving in petroleum science and petroleum engineering have been publicized. Over 800 participants from Kazan, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Ufa, Perm, Orenburg, Nefteyugansk and Tomsk took part in the OilCase 2023. Kazan was represented by master's students Azat Galiev and Ilya Fedorov (Institue of Geology and Petroleum...