
Geology and petroleum science to be featured at 3rd OIC Youth Congress – applications open

Over 100 young scientists are planned to join the event on 6 – 9 November 2024. Among the announced thematic sessions biomedicine and biotechnology, geology and petroleum technologies, international relations and international law, architecture and design, and educational technologies. The Congress is open to young researchers aged 18 to 35 representing OIC member and observer countries. The...

Representatives of the Institute of Physics and the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies spoke at the 12th All-Russian Congress of Councils of Young Scientists and Student Scientific Communities

This year it was held in Vladivostok, the youth capital of Russia in 2024, on 15 – 17 July. The forum was attended by more than a thousand people from different provinces and other countries. In total, more than 1,800 applications for participation were submitted. Iskander Vakhitov, Chairman of the Association of Young Scientists of KFU, Research...

Researcher Anastasia Mikhailova commended at 5th International Oil and Gas Forum in Almetyevsk

The forum was held at Almetyevsk State Technological University. The main events of the forum were the annual Oil Summit of the Republic of Tatarstan and an educational program in the hackathon format. Participants of the hackathon united in teams of six people and analyzed the solution of a case in one of four directions. The areas...

Pertinent issues discussed at Practice GeoChemistry 2024

3rd Scientific and Practical Conference on Petroleum Hydrogeology, Geochemistry and Hydrodynamic Modeling opened at Kazan Federal University on 25 June. The conference is organized by the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies (IGPT) and the Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons. Danis Nurgaliev, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences, opened the conference. He noted that...

Applications open for Hard-to-Recover Reserves 2024

The conference is going to be held on 23 - 25 September 2024 in Almetyevsk. The conference aims to assess the capabilities of young researchers, students, and professionals in research endeavors, foster project initiatives, and facilitate the free exchange of information and viewpoints among scientists and practitioners in hard-to-recover-reserves. The conference provides a valuable platform for...

Applications open for Carbonate Sediments 2024

The conference is going to take place on 14 - 16 August 2024. The conference aims to assess the capabilities of young researchers, students, and professionals in research endeavors, foster project initiatives, and facilitate the free exchange of information and viewpoints among scientists and practitioners in carbonate sediments. The conference provides a valuable platform for young...

Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods: Challenges Facing the Petroleum Industry conference wrapped up

The event took place on 29 – 31 May; the organizers were the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies (IGPT) and the Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons (CLH). The conference partners were Gazpromneft, SNF Vostok, POLYMER SYSTEMS, SIBUR Holding, NORCHEM Group of Companies, the Center for Advanced Training, Quality Management and Marketing, and the Eco-Geo-Neft Charitable Foundation. The three-day conference...

KFU represented at the Developing Carbon Potential – Green Technologies conference in Ufa

The event took place at Ufa State Petroleum Technical University on May 21 - 23, organized by the Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons and the Institute of Scientific Communication. More than 100 leading scientists and talented young researchers from foreign and Russian universities, as well as authoritative figures of science and higher education from other countries, such...

First ever geothermochronology conference held at Institute

The event spanned from 15 to 19 May and was attended by more than 70 people from Kazan and various cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Syktyvkar, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Magadan, and Yakutsk. Among the participants there were also representatives of China, France, USA, and Kazakhstan. The moderators of the event were Anna Kulikova, Senior Research...

Breakthrough Russian Technologies for Mature Oil and Gas Fields in the Focus of Economic Efficiency, Digital Transformation and Decarbonization panel session held as part of Russia – Islamic World KazanForum 2024

The event took place at Kazan Expo on 15 May. KFU’s Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies was represented by Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences Danis Nurgaliev, Institute Director Vladimir Silantyev, Deputy Director for Marketing – Director of the Center for Advanced Training Ildus Chukmarov, Deputy Director for Research Anton Kolchugin, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Andrey Teryokhin, Deputy Director for Innovation Vladislav...