Two PhD students receive Presidential scholarships

Over 4.7 thousand applications were submitted this year, most of them in technical sciences.
Under the guidance of Mikhail Varfolomeev, Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Saeed Shadi is developing technologies for hydrocarbon production from low-permeability unconventional shale rocks using hydrothermal conversion. It is mainly the application of specialized catalysts for in-situ conversion of fixed organic matter to produce synthetic oil. The method explored by Saeed Shadi significantly improves economic performance and reduces the environmental impact of the extraction process.
“The use of catalysts accelerates the hydrothermal conversion of organic matter in rocks and provides a more uniform distribution of reactivity across the target zone. This research will be a comprehensive study of oil shales in the Volga-Ural basin, opening new prospects for the development of hydrocarbon extraction technologies with increased economic and environmental efficiency,” the scholarship recipient explains.
Saeed Shadi’s research not only deepens scientific understanding of hydrothermal conversion processes and catalyst application, but also paves the way for more efficient hydrocarbon production technologies. The research results can significantly improve economic performance and reduce the environmental impact of oil shale extraction, which is in line with the strategic goals of technological development of the Russian Federation.
For the last five years Alexei Khayuzkin has been studying the lithological, mineralogical and geochemical features of Domanik-type sediments – regional oil-bearing rocks of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province. The PhD student is a member of the Department of Mineralogy and Lithology. Alexei Khayuzkin’s scientific work is under the guidance of Professor Vladimir Morozov.
“The significance of the conducted research lies in the improvement of geological and genetic models of the territory for the selected time slice in order to improve the quality of the obtained data on the Domanik complex, as well as the future use of related objects of mineral and raw material resources,” says Alexei Khayuzkin.
The scientific novelty of Alexey Khayuzkin’s research lies in the application of a comprehensive approach to the study of Domanik-type sediments from sediment genesis to changes of superimposed character and the application of modern techniques for reconstruction of sediment genesis and evolution of black shale complexes.
The amount of the scholarship is 75 thousand rubles monthly for a period of 1 to 4 years.