Tag - Venezuela

Center for Advanced Training concludes another successful year

In 2024, 1,324 people from 273 oil and gas companies completed training, including Rosneft (and subsidiaries), Gazprom (and subsidiaries), Surgutneftegaz, LUKOIL (and subsidiaries), Gazprom Neft, and Tatneft. 1,091 students improved their qualifications, 136 underwent professional retraining, 209 certificates were issued, 60 students of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies (IGPT) were trained to become...

Memorandum of understanding signed with Venezuela’s national oil company PDVSA

The 18th meeting of the High Level Intergovernmental Russian-Venezuelan Commission was held in the city of Caracas on 7 November. The event discussed the development of key areas of cooperation between the two countries for the period up to 2030, cooperation in science and technology. At the meeting, which was headed by the President of the Bolivarian...

Institute shows new developments and holds meetings at TatOilExpo 2024

Among the many events was the agreement signing with Yugra State University. The Forum is an effective platform for exchange of ideas, discussion of key industry issues by Russian and foreign specialists and the scientific community of the oil and gas industry, demonstration of the latest developments and technologies, and a meeting place for the scientific,...

Director Vladimir Silantyev: “If there was time travel, I would only travel to the future”

Director of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies gave an interview to the KFU Media Communications Center before the new academic year. Vladimir Vladimirovich, many boys are interested in dinosaurs. Did your love for geology and paleontology also begin with them? V.S.: I was not interested in dinosaurs as a child. My love for geology was...

Delegation of PDVSA Rusia hosted at Institute

The visit spanned through 26 and 27 April. The delegation included PDVSA Rusia General Director Hoglys Martinez, Petromiranda Joint Venture Earth Sciences and Fields Manager Jonathan Borrome, Petromiranda Joint Venture petrophysicist Evelyn Gómez, Executive Directorate for Integrated Exploration and Exploration Exploration’s (DEXEIY) Geophysics and Geodesy Manager Manuel Bolívar, Technical Consultant of Venezuelan Oil Corporation (CVP) Julio Lugo, Business Development Analyst of...