Tag - Laboratory of Hydrate Technologies of Utilization and Storage of Greenhouse Gases

Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies presents new unit for pelletizing of gas hydrates

Experts from Kazan University, together with colleagues from the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian State University of Oil and Gas, have created the first installation in Russia for the rapid production and pressing of gas hydrates. Its use will make it possible to...

KFU working on various hydrate formation promoters

Scientists have synthesized a new surfactant containing sulfonate, amide and carboxyl groups (SSAC). The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Hydrate Technologies of Utilization and Storage of Greenhouse Gases with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia. Today, one of the most promising methods of natural gas storage and transportation...

New data on sulfonated castor oil reveals potential in gas hydrate formation

A new paper appeared in Fuel. “Gas hydrates are solid crystalline substances resembling ice and consisting of gas and water molecules. Under conditions of high pressure and low temperature, gas molecules are contained within the cavities of the frameworks formed by water molecules. One volume of hydrate can hold about 160 volumes of gas. A promising method...

First theses presented to Institute’s new dissertation board

The new board can accept dissertations in two specialization: 2.8.4 Development and maintenance of oil and gas fields (technical science) and 1.4.12 Oil chemistry (chemical science). The board unites prominent researchers from KFU, Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry (Kazan), Ufa State Petroleum University, Almetyevsk State Petroleum Institute, and TatNIPIneft (Tatarstan Research Institute of Oil Industry)....