Tag - Laboratory of Geomechanics

Institute visited by Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Dmitry Afanasyev

On June 12 Dmitry Afanasyev visited the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies. He was met at the Institute by Marat Safiullin, Vice-Rector for Economic and Strategic Development, and Danis Nurgaliev, Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences. The meeting was also attended by Mikhail Varfolomeev, Head of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, and Alexander Bolotov, Roman Paveliev,...

Institute toured by ALROSA delegation

On April 15, the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies hosted a meeting with representatives of ALROSA. The delegation included Alexey Bondarenko, First Deputy Head of the Vilyuisk Geological Exploration Expedition, Konstantin Garanin, Chief Geologist, Evgeny Goncharov, Head of Expertise and Methodology Department of the Geological Exploration Complex, Andrey Butenko, Head of New Projects Development,...

Institute visited by Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The meetings took place on March 29. The guest list included:Alexander Sigov, President of Russian Technoloigcal University MIREA, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ;Dmitrii Markovich, Deputy Chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of Kutateladze Institute of Thermal Physics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the...

Delegation of Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology tours IGPT

The team was headed by Dean of the School of International Education of GUST Liang Xuehong and accompanied by Director of KFU's International Office Olga Vershinina. The guests were welcomed by Deputy Director for Marketing of our Institute, Director of the Center for Advanced Training Ildus Chukmarov, who showed them the 3D Geo Center and spoke...