Tag - Department of Petroleum Engineering

Institute shows new developments and holds meetings at TatOilExpo 2024

Among the many events was the agreement signing with Yugra State University. The Forum is an effective platform for exchange of ideas, discussion of key industry issues by Russian and foreign specialists and the scientific community of the oil and gas industry, demonstration of the latest developments and technologies, and a meeting place for the scientific,...

Representatives of the Institute of Physics and the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies spoke at the 12th All-Russian Congress of Councils of Young Scientists and Student Scientific Communities

This year it was held in Vladivostok, the youth capital of Russia in 2024, on 15 – 17 July. The forum was attended by more than a thousand people from different provinces and other countries. In total, more than 1,800 applications for participation were submitted. Iskander Vakhitov, Chairman of the Association of Young Scientists of KFU, Research...

Head of the Department of Petroleum Engineering Mikhail Varfolomeev included into Rais (Governor) of Tatarstan‘s Personnel Reserve list

Personnel Reserve of the Republic of Tatarstan is a project aimed at fostering local managerial talent. Mikhail Varfolomeev is also currently Deputy Director for Research at the Gazpromneft-KFU Research and Development Center. Since 2023, he has been a member of the Russian Presidential Council for Science and Education. To participate in the project, the scientist underwent a...

Institute visited by Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Dmitry Afanasyev

On June 12 Dmitry Afanasyev visited the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies. He was met at the Institute by Marat Safiullin, Vice-Rector for Economic and Strategic Development, and Danis Nurgaliev, Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences. The meeting was also attended by Mikhail Varfolomeev, Head of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, and Alexander Bolotov, Roman Paveliev,...

KFU represented at the Developing Carbon Potential – Green Technologies conference in Ufa

The event took place at Ufa State Petroleum Technical University on May 21 - 23, organized by the Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons and the Institute of Scientific Communication. More than 100 leading scientists and talented young researchers from foreign and Russian universities, as well as authoritative figures of science and higher education from other countries, such...