KFU represented at the Developing Carbon Potential – Green Technologies conference in Ufa

The event took place at Ufa State Petroleum Technical University on May 21 - 23, organized by the Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons and the Institute of Scientific Communication. More than 100 leading scientists and talented young researchers from foreign and Russian universities, as well as authoritative figures of science and higher education from other countries, such...

Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons’ projects in oilfield chemistry presented at a conference in Ufa

Scientists of the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies represented Kazan Federal University at the conference Practical Aspects of Oilfield Chemistry on 22 - 24 May. The co-organizers were Rosneft-BashNIPIneft Research Institute and Bashkortostan Academy of Sciences. This year the delegates of the conference discussed topical issues of oilfield chemistry and automation of oil and...

Research shows acetic acid salts simplify the production of heavy oil

Picture URL: https://pubs.acs.org/cms/10.1021/acs.iecr.3c04335/asset/images/medium/ie3c04335_0016.gif KFU's project is supported by the Russian Science Foundation. According to the official website of the Russian Science Foundation, Kazanian scientists managed to find out that acetates - salts of acetic acid with transition metals - in combination with steam treatment reduce the viscosity of heavy oil by 58%. This approach was 19% more...

First ever geothermochronology conference held at Institute

The event spanned from 15 to 19 May and was attended by more than 70 people from Kazan and various cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Syktyvkar, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Magadan, and Yakutsk. Among the participants there were also representatives of China, France, USA, and Kazakhstan. The moderators of the event were Anna Kulikova, Senior Research...

Resource-saving technology of processing common reed waste helps to obtain bioethanol and cellulose-containing material

Cleaning of soil and artificial reservoirs from Phragmites reed overgrowth and rational utilization can reduce the environmental burden. At the same time, the newly formed biomass creates additional problems of environmental pollution, especially in regions with intensive agricultural activity. The problem of finding rational ways of qualified utilization of biomass, in particular, of common reed...

Breakthrough Russian Technologies for Mature Oil and Gas Fields in the Focus of Economic Efficiency, Digital Transformation and Decarbonization panel session held as part of Russia – Islamic World KazanForum 2024

The event took place at Kazan Expo on 15 May. KFU’s Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies was represented by Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences Danis Nurgaliev, Institute Director Vladimir Silantyev, Deputy Director for Marketing – Director of the Center for Advanced Training Ildus Chukmarov, Deputy Director for Research Anton Kolchugin, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Andrey Teryokhin, Deputy Director for Innovation Vladislav...

Two conferences held with support from the Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons

On May 13, two major events were launched in at KFU - 20th Scientific and Practical Conference and Exhibition Engineering and Ore Geophysics 2024 and 6th Scientific and Practical Conference Horizontal Wells 2024. The events are organized by Geomodel Razvitie LLC. Horizontal Wells started its history with a workshop in 2015. And today the conference has...

Department of Petroleum, Gas and Carbon Materials Technology offers solutions for grape-based biofuels

The main disadvantage of currently existing technologies for bioethanol production using live microorganisms is the need for mandatory pretreatment of lignocellulosic feedstock to remove lignin. Nevertheless, there is no information on the complex technology of grape cake processing with obtaining biofuel (BTII) and products of high feed value, aimed at reducing the cost of the...

Research of gas hydrate formation inhibitors continues at KFU

A paper saw light in Chemical Engineering Science. The latest series of inhibitors developed by scientists of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies of Kazan Federal University surpasses the most effective foreign analogs in terms of their target properties, and also shows a tendency to biological degradation in offshore conditions. Today the developed class of hydrate formation...

Institute featured at Oman Petroleum and Energy Show 2024

4 reports were presented by KFU's Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons on 22 - 24 April. The extensive program of the event was attended by more than 15,000 specialists in hydrocarbons and energy from 300 companies representing 24 countries. The delegation of Kazan University comprised Mikhail Varfolomeev, Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Vladislav Sudakov, Deputy...