Mikhail Varfolomeev among most cited researchers in 2022 Elsevier rankings

Mikhail Varfolomeev among most cited researchers in 2022 Elsevier rankings

The new database for 2022 features nine names associated with our University.

The ranking draws statistics from Scopus, a citation index with over 20 thousand scientific journals and other printed materials.

The list for KFU is as follows:

Airat Dimiev, Lead Research Associate, Laboratory of Materials for Green Energy;

Rawil Fakhrullin, Chief Research Associate, Center for Analytical Biophotonics and Engineering of the Cell Surface;

Albert Rizvanov, Head of the Center of Excellence for Personalized Medicine;

Mikhail Varfolomeev, Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering;

Guzel Ziyatdinova, Professor, Department of Analytical Chemistry;

Mohammed Hail Hakimi, Senior Research Associate, Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons;

Sergey Sushkov, Chair of the Department of Relativity Theory and Gravity;

Gennady Evtugyn, Chair of the Department of Analytical Chemistry;

Patrick Yvon Maurice Masson, Chief Research Associate, Laboratory of Biochemical Neuropharmacology.

According to Dr Varfolomeev, KFU employees are able to conduct cutting-edge reseach thanks to the excellent equipment in its labs, “It was a great pleasure to be included in the list of the world’s most cited scientists for 2022. Our research group conducts very important research in the field of oil and gas technologies. Being included in the ranking shows that they are relevant and useful to both the academic and industrial communities. I would especially like to mention our developments in the field of enhanced oil recovery methods, hydrate technologies, as well as catalytic aquathermolysis and in-situ combustion processes. Our articles with the results of these studies have been published in leading journals and have been highly appreciated by the international scientific community.”