Meeting of the Presidential Council for Science and Education held on Russian Science Day

Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering Mikhail Varfolomeev, member of the current convocation of the Council, took part in the video conference.
The meeting was dedicated to technology education and engineering training. President Vladimir Putin emphasized the importance of maintaining Russia’s competitiveness in key technological areas. Council members voiced their proposal on additional professional education.
Mikhail Varfolomeev notes how engineering personnel plays a crucial role in translating theoretical science breakthroughs into economic effects, “A program of advanced engineering schools has been launched, Priority 2030 program is being transformed, an industrial PhD training format is being implemented. Students need such points of interaction of science, education and business to understand what the industry needs.”
Joint engineering centers can serve as one success story, says the scientist, “Kazan University and Sibur are actively implementing a joint project in heterogeneous catalysis. Another center exists in pharmaceutics. Later this year, a center for low-tonnage chemistry for petrochemistry and related industries should be opened in collaboration with national oil companies.”
After hearing the opinions, the President of Russia added that programs in math and natural sciences should be adjusted, curricula need to be balanced and accessible, as well as interesting for kids.
“I ask the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Education, and leading Russian educational and research organisations to address these challenges,” concluded the head of state.