Institute visited by Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Dmitry Afanasyev

On June 12 Dmitry Afanasyev visited the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies. He was met at the Institute by Marat Safiullin, Vice-Rector for Economic and Strategic Development, and Danis Nurgaliev, Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences. The meeting was also attended by Mikhail Varfolomeev, Head of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, and Alexander Bolotov, Roman Paveliev, and Matvei Semyonov, senior researchers of the Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery. The Deputy Minister was shown the laboratories of the Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons.
He visited the Modeling Center, saw a combustion pipe – a unique installation designed for modeling and research of oil displacement processes by various methods of oil recovery enhancement (steam, polymers, under the influence of chemistry, in-situ combustion), as well as assessment of their applicability in the field.
He got acquainted with the works on oilfield chemistry, chemistry for enhanced oil recovery, as well as with the projects carried out jointly with KFU’s partners – Gazpromneft and Tatneft. In addition, he visited the Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, the laboratories of PVT studies of formation fluids and hydrate studies, the Laboratory of Geomechanics and 3D GEO Center, where students learn to build geological and hydrodynamic models of fields.
“We talked about the training of specialists for the oil and gas industry in Russia,” says Danis Nurgaliev. “Dmitry Vladimirovich highly appreciated our achievements in working with companies, got acquainted with fundamental research conducted at IGPT. He supported our system of personnel training, in particular masters who do their graduate work on the basis of their own research within the framework of projects with oil and gas and service companies. Today more than 200 students are full participants of such projects.”
At the end of the meeting Dmitry Afanasyev visited the Shtukenberg Geological Museum. There are unique museum collections of the remains of post-Pliocene mammals of eastern Russia, Permian plants, and meteorites. The excursion was conducted by Institute Director Vladimir Silantyev.