Author - Yury Nurmeev

Distinguished Geologist of Russia Renat Muslimov celebrates 90th birthday at the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences Danis Nurgaliev was among the many visitors who congratulated Dr Muslimov, who, among other duties, worked at KFU's Department of Oil and Gas Geology in 1994 - 2019. As the Vice-Rector noted, Renat Muslimov was among the first to train development geologists in the contemporary sense of the term. “At Kazan University we...

Memorandum of understanding signed with Venezuela’s national oil company PDVSA

The 18th meeting of the High Level Intergovernmental Russian-Venezuelan Commission was held in the city of Caracas on 7 November. The event discussed the development of key areas of cooperation between the two countries for the period up to 2030, cooperation in science and technology. At the meeting, which was headed by the President of the Bolivarian...

Institute expanding cooperation with Rosneft-Yuganskneftegaz

On November 1, employees of RN-Yuganskneftegaz LLC (Rosneft) paid a one-day visit to IGPT. The delegation consisted of Nikolay Nesterov, Head of the Youth Policy Department, Ildar Ulbaev, Deputy Chief Engineer for Onshore Infrastructure, Renata Giyazova, Senior Specialist of the Field Development Department (and KFU alumna). This time the guests came to familiarize themselves with the...

Institute employee featured at China Education Expo in Guangzhou and Beijing

International Cooperation Officer Yury Nurmeev was among those on a visit to the People’s Republic of China from 25 October till 4 November. He represented the university at various exhibitions and presentations, as well as visited local schools and universities. A traveling educational exhibition of Russian universities was opened in Shandong Province. KFU was presented there...

Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting held at Institute

The conference was opened by Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences Danis Nurgaliev. He emphasized that this year's conference is marked by an important date: November 17 is the 190th anniversary of the birth of Nikolay Golovkinsky. The meeting took up 28 to 30 October. “Golovkinsky is the Einstein of geology, and these are not just fancy words,"...

Institute representatives join 1st Congress of the Association of Geologists, Geophysicists and Engineers

The event was part of the Russian Energy Industry Conference in Moscow on 15 October. The Institute was represented by Danis Nurgaliev, Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences, Ildus Chukmarov, Deputy Director of IGPT for Marketing and Director of CdoGEO (Center for Advanced Training), and Vladislav Sudakov, Deputy Director of Gazpromneft-KFU Center for Marketing. Danis Nurgaliev told about the...

Innovative system of sample loading developed for computed tomography

Employees of the Shell Mechanics Laboratory of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics and the X-ray and Computed Tomography Laboratory of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies have created an innovative system for sample loading. This device, which has no domestic competitors, is designed to control physical and mechanical properties of materials, which is especially...

KFU represented at 22nd Mendeleev Congress in Sirius

From 7 to 12 October, chemists and industrial partners from around Russia gathered in Krasnodar Krai, including Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering Mikhail Varfolomeev and KFU's invited scholar, Professor of the Mexican Petroleum Institute Jorge Ancheyta. “I presented the results of catalytic aquathermolysis technology, which is fundamentally new and allows the conversion of heavy...

Scientists have revealed the synergistic effect of nickel stearate and decalin on the kinetics of processes occurring during heavy oil production

Aquathermolysis catalysts and solvents that can produce hydrogen at elevated temperatures are promising agents for improving the efficiency of oil production using water vapor injection technologies. The aquathermolysis process can reduce the viscosity of heavy crude oil and its sulfur content. In recent years, it has been used for industrial purposes to extract and partially refine...

Negotiations held by Rector Lenar Safin and Gazprom Neft

The talks took place on 15 October. The Rector was joined by Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences Danis Nurgaliev and Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering Mikhail Varfolomeev. The parties discussed cooperation in specialized chemistry for the oil and gas industry. In particular, the main goal of joint work will be to increase the efficiency of specialized chemistry and optimize...