Two conferences held with support from the Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons

On May 13, two major events were launched in at KFU – 20th Scientific and Practical Conference and Exhibition Engineering and Ore Geophysics 2024 and 6th Scientific and Practical Conference Horizontal Wells 2024. The events are organized by Geomodel Razvitie LLC.
Horizontal Wells started its history with a workshop in 2015. And today the conference has become one of the largest specialized events in the country. The conference is supported by Rosneft and TGT Oil and Gas Services.
Engineering and Ore Geophysics 2024 celebrates its anniversary this year. Its sponsors and partners are: LLC “GEOSIGNAL, LLC Geodevice, East-European Geophysical Association Vega, Design Bureau of Electrometry, LLC Geoteknologii, LLC GINGEO, and Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Opening the conference, coordinator Anastasia Turovtseva noted that Kazan was chosen as the venue as a result of voting.
“As a rule, conferences are held in different cities and at different venues, but the participants of both forums unanimously chose the capital of Tatarstan,” she said. “Traditionally, round tables, lectures from partners and excursions await conference participants. This year’s highlight will be an exhibition where companies will present their equipment and developments.”
Anastasia Turovtseva thanked Kazan Federal University for supporting the conference. Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences Danis Nurgaliev spoke about the University.
“This year Kazan Federal University celebrates its 220th anniversary,” said Dr Nurgaliev. “More than 55 thousand students study at KFU, of which about 11 thousand are international students. The Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies has a large laboratory infrastructure, where I invite everyone for a tour.”
As part of the conferences, the Youth Day was held on May 13, where undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students could take part in geological quizzes and master classes, listen to lectures from leading specialists of oil and gas companies. The master class on physical modeling and electrical exploration was conducted by Kirill Rodionov, Engineer of the Department of Geophysics and Geo-Information Technologies of KFU.
Chairman of the youth section of the Association of Geologists, Geophysicists and Engineers Svetlana Bricheva noted the importance of involving young people in scientific activities.
“For 20 years in Russia there has been a conference in Engineering and Ore Geophysics, which gathers specialists in our field, but young people do not attend it often. Meanwhile, young specialists generate new ideas, offer sometimes unexpected approaches and possess the skills needed in our industry right now. We all have something to learn from each other. Geomodel Razvitie LLC and I personally set a goal to create a regular youth program within the framework of this conference,” emphasized Svetlana Bricheva.
The Institute’s Center for Advanced Training (CdoGEO) together with Geomodel Razvitie LLC has organized training in the following professional development programs:
- Fundamentals of engineering geology
- Pertinent issues of construction and research of horizontal wells.
“It is gratifying to see CdoGEO partners and alumni at the conference,” said Ildus Chukmarov, Director of CdoGEO. “For example, there were representatives of the oil and gas company Sakhalin Energy, with which we agreed to expand cooperation. Leniniogorskremservis LLC, whose employees were previously trained at our Center in geomechanics. This year we integrated the courses into the conference program. Thus, the participants were able not only to listen to lectures and make presentations, but also to improve their skills in a remote format. Employees of Belorusneft became listeners of the courses. We gave them certificates, conducted a tour of the laboratories and agreed on further cooperation.”
The conferences will end on May 16.