Institute visited by Bashneftegeofizika delegation

A two-day meeting session was organized on 29 - 30 January. The delegation included: Denis Kolesnikov, Deputy General Director for HR – Director of the HR Department; Dmitry Smirnov, First Deputy Director for Production, Directional and Horizontal Drilling Directorate; Timur Adiev, Chief Specialist for Technological Development, Exploration Geophysics Directorate; Elena Erantseva, Head of the Personnel Assessment...

Ongoing cooperation discussed with Union Cuba-Petróleo

Head of Training and Development Mario Miranda Márquez and HR Director Tania Pérez Delgado visited on 3 and 4 October. Since 2018, the Institute has been cooperating with Cuba's national oil company, having graduated 25 master's degree students and 267 short-term training students. In June 2023, Minister of Higher Education of Cuba Walter Baluja Garcia toured IGPT and...

TNG Group’s education and production center opened at the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies

The ceremony took place on 31 August. It featured General Director of TAGRAS Holding LLC Lenar Nazipov, General Director of TNG Group LLC Yan Sharipov, and Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences, Director of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies Danis Nurgaliev. Mr Nazipov noted the significance of the new facility, “We have been cooperating with Kazan University for a long...