Tag - Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology

Mikhail Varfolomeev among most cited researchers in 2022 Elsevier rankings

The new database for 2022 features nine names associated with our University. The ranking draws statistics from Scopus, a citation index with over 20 thousand scientific journals and other printed materials. The list for KFU is as follows: Airat Dimiev, Lead Research Associate, Laboratory of Materials for Green Energy; Rawil Fakhrullin, Chief Research Associate, Center for Analytical Biophotonics and...

Scientists find pine forest endangered by grey heron

KFU and Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University researched pines near Panovo village in Tatarstan; the paper appeared in Frontiers in Environmental Science. Associate Professor (Department of General Ecology) Denis Tishin comments, “We study colonies of grey heron. It’s a rather widespread bird in Tatarstan. At a logline near Panovo village we found about 300 nests. The logline is about 100 meters in...