IGPT presents unoxidized bitumen for road construction

The implementation of this project is aimed at developing a progressive technology for production of improved bituminous binders based on domestic petrochemical sources of raw materials. Efficient production technology, product quality and its transportation determine high economic efficiency of the project. The proposed technology consists in the development of a catalytic complex, with the help of...

IGPT and Uzbekistani colleagues research solar power utilization in petroleum industry

The innovative product is going through the commercialization stage. IGPT scientists together with colleagues from the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute have developed an innovative way to produce hydrogen from water using solar energy. “One of the main challenges in the hydrogen production process is its energy cost. Traditional hydrogen production methods, such as steam reforming of water or...

Scientists give opinions on the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics

Scientists John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton are recognized “for fundamental discoveries and inventions” that enable machine learning using artificial neural networks. The methods they developed formed the basis for the creation of machine learning algorithms. “The awarding of the Nobel Prize in Physics this year is a vivid demonstration of the role of fundamental physics in the...

IGPT scientists contribute to a conference in Suzdal

IGPT representatives took part in the International Conference for the 70th anniversary of the Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences 'Data Science, Geoinformatics and System Analysis in Earth Studies', held in the ancient city of Suzdal in Vladimir Oblast. The reports were delivered by...

Magnetometer adjustment meeting held in Yaroslavl Oblast

A large-scale adjustment of observatory declinometers/inclinometers and scalar magnetometers organized by the Geophysical Center and the Schmidt Institute of Earth Physics was held at Borok Geophysical Observatory on 28 - 29 September. Magnetologists from Russian organizations took part, including the Institute of Space Physics Research and Radio Wave Propagation (Paratunka Geophysical Observatory, Far Eastern Branch...

Irek Mukhamatdinov contributes to the 13th International Conference on Oil and Gas Chemistry in Tomsk

As is the tradition, the work was held in four sections: chemistry of oil and gas; oil and gas recovery enhancement, preparation, transportation of oil and gas; thermal and thermocatalytic processes of processing of carbon- and hydrocarbon-containing raw materials; alternative methods of processing of traditional and unconventional raw materials. Among the speakers was Irek Mukhamatdinov,...

Scientists offer software solutions for enhanced oil recovery

The Department of Oil, Gas and Carbon Materials Technology of the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies presented unique digital software products aimed at in-depth study and modeling of wave processes affecting the viscosity and permeability of oil reservoirs. The software solutions developed at Kazan Federal University have significant potential for implementation in the...

Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting 2024 invites to register

The meeting is scheduled for 28 - 30 October; the registration deadline is 10 October. SESSION TITLES Stratigraphy, Palaeontology: fundamental and applied aspects Geochemistry Palaeoclimate, Palaeogeography Mineralogy, Lithology, Geophysical methods, Minerals Sedimentary Basins, hydrocarbon potential Upper Palaeozoic of Russia MEETING FORMAT The Meeting will consist of mixed physical and online modes. Plenary lectures are limited to 20 minutes; regular talks are limited to 10 minutes...

Irek Mukhamatdinov represents KFU at Kazan Digital Week 2024

From September 9 to 11, the Kazan Digital Week 2024 International Forum was held at the Kazan Expo. The forum included the exchange of scientific and technical information, consolidation of scientific and technological assets capable of effectively solving the problems of import substitution, ensuring technological sovereignty and data sovereignty as the basis for the leadership...

Kinetic aquathermolysis tested on Boca de Jaruco oil samples

To scale, design and optimize oil production, scientists from Kazan Federal University together with Zarubezhneft were the first to develop a kinetic model of catalytic aquathermolysis using a water-soluble nickel-based catalyst. The water-soluble catalysts demonstrate efficiency in reducing the viscosity of bituminous oil and can be used in the field with lower costs. Their application allows...