Institute hosts welcome ceremony for freshmen

Institute hosts welcome ceremony for freshmen

On 2 September, the Institute leadership spoke with new students via video link – face-to-face teaching has been postponed until 1 November due to preparations for the 2024 BRICS Summit.

Vice-Rector Danis Nurgaliev took the floor to address the young people.

“Dear friends, I congratulate you, as you have become students of Kazan Federal University – one of the best and oldest universities in the country – this year it will be 220 years old,” said he. “You have chosen an excellent profession, with which many of you will connect your life path. Certainly, science is rapidly developing, new technologies appear, therefore it is necessary to study all your life. The first two months you will study remotely, but in November we will meet you, you will see your teachers, visit laboratories and get acquainted with young scientists. I wish you all interesting discoveries and success in your studies!”

Institute Director Vladimir Silantyev gave the freshmen two important pieces of advice, “First, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. They help to overcome difficulties and move forward. At the university we treat students’ mistakes with understanding and try to help everyone. Secondly, I recommend to communicate more with teachers, supervisors and senior students, because real success comes through communication skills.”

Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering Mikhail Varfolomeev advised to use all the opportunities that the university provides, “Today you have officially become students of Kazan Federal University. Four very interesting years are ahead of you. For example, in the oil and gas studies, we try to involve students in research and project activities. Thanks to this, young people gain tremendous experience and knowledge, becoming more prepared for their first career steps. I wish you to use all the opportunities that the university provides: participate in scientific conferences, prepare concerts, sports competitions, live a rich student life!”

Director of the Center for Advanced Training Ildus Chukmarov noted that there are many opportunities for supplementary education for students.

“Friends, 40 years ago I, like you, entered the Geological Faculty. Professions of a geologist, geophysicist, or oiler are in demand and highly paid. And our students have a special advantage over students of other universities, as here you can get a related additional profession. CdoGEO trains 1,500 students a year in various fields: geology, oil and gas business, geophysics, geodesy, surveying, metrology, economics. Don’t worry if you didn’t manage to enter a certain major. At CdoGEO you can get a diploma of oil or geologist, metrologist, surveyor, or geodesist. Moreover, we offer an interpreter course in geology and oil and gas. Knowledge of English helps students to enter English-speaking master’s programs and to pass interviews in Russian and international companies. Also, CdoGEO has a training program for a rig operator, Oil and Gas Production Operator 3rd Grade, with the help of which you can earn money during your internship.”

After the opening remarks, Andrei Teryokhin, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, and Natalya Khorkova, Deputy Director for Student Affairs, answered the most popular questions.