Head of the Department of Petroleum Engineering Mikhail Varfolomeev included into Rais (Governor) of Tatarstan‘s Personnel Reserve list
Personnel Reserve of the Republic of Tatarstan is a project aimed at fostering local managerial talent.
Mikhail Varfolomeev is also currently Deputy Director for Research at the Gazpromneft-KFU Research and Development Center. Since 2023, he has been a member of the Russian Presidential Council for Science and Education.
To participate in the project, the scientist underwent a serious selection process consisting of several stages. His work history, professional and personal capabilities were analyzed, and special attention was paid to his management skills.
Under the guidance of mentors, the participants of the Personnel Reserve will start working on a project focused on the socio-economic development of the Republic, Rustam Minnikhanov, Rais of Tatarstan, said at a meeting with the new members of the Personnel Reserve, which took place on June 24 at the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan.
“Within the framework of participation in the program of the personnel reserve of executive personnel I plan to increase the level of managerial competence, and thanks to the educational program and active work with mentors from among the top management of the Republic – to understand more deeply the development of the socio-economic domain of the Republic of Tatarstan and its priority areas, to join the team of young managers. All this in order to bring maximum benefit to the scientific and technological development of our Republic. Thanks very much to the leadership of the Republic for the high trust and such opportunities,” shared Dr Varfolomeev.
Opening the meeting, Rustam Minnikhanov congratulated all those who joined the Personnel Reserve and wished them constructive work. He said that the Personnel Reserve has been maintained for more than ten years now and emphasized that in Tatarstan great attention is paid to the selection and training of managerial personnel.
Alexander Belov, Head of the Department of State Service and Personnel of the Office of the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan, reported briefly on the Personnel Reserve details. He, in particular, noted that this year the largest number of applications was submitted – 393. According to the results of the evaluation procedures more than 20 managers representing the real sector of the economy, authorities, educational, public and other organizations were included in the Personnel Reserve. In addition, this year the reserve also includes 5 super finalists of the Leaders of Russia Competiton (including 2 winners). In general, Belov said, representatives of various professions were selected for the Personnel Reserve. The average age of the reservists is 37 years old.
The Personnel Reserve of the Republic of Tatarstan is formed of citizens of the Russian Federation who have the necessary personal, professional and business qualities and managerial experience to fill in the public office positions of the Republic of Tatarstan under director supervision of the Rais (Governor). The province’s top officials act as mentors in the training program.