Distinguished Geologist of Russia Renat Muslimov celebrates 90th birthday at the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Distinguished Geologist of Russia Renat Muslimov celebrates 90th birthday at the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences Danis Nurgaliev was among the many visitors who congratulated Dr Muslimov, who, among other duties, worked at KFU’s Department of Oil and Gas Geology in 1994 – 2019.

As the Vice-Rector noted, Renat Muslimov was among the first to train development geologists in the contemporary sense of the term.

“At Kazan University we used to train petroleum geologists, but not development geologists. And in fact, most of the graduates collected material and wrote a thesis on development. But they were geologists. When Renat Muslimov came to the Department of Oil and Gas Geology, this trend received a gigantic impetus. He showed his students wonderful examples, which taught them how to effectively develop fields on the basis of geological knowledge. And this had a huge impact on the quality of our graduates. Today hundreds of our oilers are proud of this and successfully work in all companies not only in Russia but also abroad,” commented Dr Nurgaliev.

For 67 years, Dr Muslimov’s life has been inseparably linked with the oil industry of Tatarstan. His high professionalism and active civil position played a decisive role in the discovery, development and rational use of the resource base of the oil industry of Tatarstan and Russia, as well as in preserving the wealth of subsoil layers for future generations. He took part in the discovery of about 100 oil fields. Under his leadership a highly efficient complex system of development of hard-to-recover reserves was created.

Renat Muslimov is a full member of the Academy of Mining Sciences, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Distinguished Geologist of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan, laureate of the State Prizes of the USSR and the Republic of Tatarstan.