Chinese students of the Preparatory School get acquainted with the Institute’s programs

Chinese students of the Preparatory School get acquainted with the Institute’s programs

The presentation in Chinese took place in the new building of the preparatory faculty in Kazan at 12 Isaeva Street.

The Institute was represented at the meeting by Deputy Director for Advanced Training and Industrial Partnerships Ildus Chukmarov and International Cooperation Officer Yury Nurmeev. A special guest of the meeting was Deputy General Director – Head of the Russian Division of the Chinese oilfield services company Kerui Group Lü Xingsheng. The company, which recently opened its representative office in Kazan, is one of the key partners of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies and plans to open a joint research laboratory with the Institute in the near future.

Deputy Dean of the Preparatory School Rauf Sabirov acquainted the guests with the infrastructure of the new building and plans to expand the recruitment of students from China.

At the meeting, Ildus Chukmarov and Lü Xingsheng addressed the students with welcoming words, placing special emphasis on the prospects for employment in Russian and foreign companies both during their studies and after receiving their diploma. Yury Nurmeev gave a short presentation in Chinese, talking about the main educational programs, internship opportunities, entrance exams and international partnerships of KFU, including productive cooperation with many Chinese universities and companies. The students also received information leaflets and watched a short introductory video about the Institute. In conclusion, the Deputy Director covered the topic of additional education and retraining in the Center for Additional Education, Quality Management and Marketing, which he heads, and Mr. Lü once again pointed out the numerous opportunities that education in geology and oil industry can provide for young people.

“Today, the first career guidance meeting was held with students of the Preparatory School for Foreign Students. Citizens of the People’s Republic of China were told about the opportunities for studying at the Institute of Geology and Pettroleum Technologies. Of course, it is important to meet regularly and convey information about the opportunities for studying at KFU to all students. Now we have started with a small group, but the next series of meetings is already planned for the ongoing academic year,” said Rauf Sabirov.

Lü Xingsheng noted, “Russia has significant oil and gas resources, and Chinese-Russian energy cooperation is becoming increasingly close. This year, President of China Xi Jinping led a delegation to participate in the Kazan BRICS summit, where he once again pointed out the importance of developing such cooperation. Energy projects between China and Russia are growing rapidly and always need personnel. Kazan Federal University has trained – and continues to train – many excellent specialists throughout its history. We also invite university graduates to work with us. Kerui Group is a multinational oil and gas group with global operations in more than 50 countries and more than 500 employees in Russia. It is engaged in the sale of oil and gas equipment, oilfield services, integrated design of oil fields and other services. The business also covers Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries and can provide graduates with rich employment opportunities. We hope that KFU graduates will join us to work on the development of joint projects of our two countries in the oil and gas sector.”

Following the meeting, Ildus Chukmarov commented, “The peculiarity of today’s meeting was that we came with the executive of our Chinese partner, Kerui Group, with whom we plan to open a joint laboratory, as well as form a special group for recruitment to the bachelor’s degree program in the next academic year with industrial internship and employment in this company. For us, this is a good precedent, and we are ready to implement similar projects for other countries and employers. In particular, we continue productive cooperation with the Cuban state oil company CUPET and initiate a large-scale partnership with the Venezuelan company PDVSA, with which the university signed a memorandum of understanding in Caracas in November of this year. As usual, we offer applicants not only basic education, but also additional education – for those who choose any other KFU institute or even another university. Undoubtedly, having received serious professional training in geology and petroleum science in addition to their main specialty, they will be in demand in the labor market. The work on directly informing the students of the Preparatory School – not only from China, but also from other countries – will continue throughout the year. Today, we have already invited young people to a planned tour of the Institute, during which they will be able to see our laboratories and the Geological Museum. And in addition to everything, our advantage is that Chinese applicants, if they wish, will be able to receive any info in their native language from Yury Nurmeev.”