Author - Yury Nurmeev

Students return from field studies in Zelenodolsk District

A group of 26 students of engineering geology and hydrogeology interned at the Sobakinskiye Yamy (lit. Dog Pits) polygon in Ulitino settlement near Kazan. All the field work was supported by the cloud application and supervised by associate professors of the Department of General Geology and Hydrogeology Airat Latypov and Anastasiya Garayeva. "'Zoomers, or the Internet...

Representatives of the Institute of Physics and the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies spoke at the 12th All-Russian Congress of Councils of Young Scientists and Student Scientific Communities

This year it was held in Vladivostok, the youth capital of Russia in 2024, on 15 – 17 July. The forum was attended by more than a thousand people from different provinces and other countries. In total, more than 1,800 applications for participation were submitted. Iskander Vakhitov, Chairman of the Association of Young Scientists of KFU, Research...

Researcher Anastasia Mikhailova commended at 5th International Oil and Gas Forum in Almetyevsk

The forum was held at Almetyevsk State Technological University. The main events of the forum were the annual Oil Summit of the Republic of Tatarstan and an educational program in the hackathon format. Participants of the hackathon united in teams of six people and analyzed the solution of a case in one of four directions. The areas...

Institute represented at Tatarstan Oil Summit

On July 12, the 20th Oil Summit of the Republic of Tatarstan opened in Almetyevsk. The event is one of the biggest platforms where topical issues of fuel and energy complex enterprises development are discussed and a consolidated position of the government and business on key technological priorities is formulated. The summit was attended by Rustam...

Associate Professor Igor Ognev studies radiogenic heat in the Volgo-Uralia

Ognev's research, conducted in cooperation with Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences of KFU Danis Nurgaliev and colleagues from Kiel University, will determine the influence of the content of radioactive isotopes on the temperature in the Earth's crust and sedimentary cover, as well as assess the influence of radiogenic heat flow on the formation of oil and...

Institute employees offer short courses in Qingdao, China

From June 30 to July 3, 2024, Boris Platov and Igor Ognev gave a series of lectures at the China University of Petroleum for master's and PhD students. Boris Platov dedicated his course to modern methods of geophysical well logging, detailing the physical principles of their operation and geological interpretation of the data. Igor Ognev presented the...

Director Vladimir Silantyev: “If there was time travel, I would only travel to the future”

Director of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies gave an interview to the KFU Media Communications Center before the new academic year. Vladimir Vladimirovich, many boys are interested in dinosaurs. Did your love for geology and paleontology also begin with them? V.S.: I was not interested in dinosaurs as a child. My love for geology was...

Two PhD students receive Presidential scholarships

Over 4.7 thousand applications were submitted this year, most of them in technical sciences. Under the guidance of Mikhail Varfolomeev, Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Saeed Shadi is developing technologies for hydrocarbon production from low-permeability unconventional shale rocks using hydrothermal conversion. It is mainly the application of specialized catalysts for in-situ conversion of fixed...

Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons implementing new projects with Sichuanese colleagues

The Kazanian delegation visited longtime partners Southwest Petroleum University and a new research facility in clean energy in Sichuan Province, China. Russian and Chinese scientists will launch a batch of new projects, as was agreed on 4 and 5 July in Chengdu. KFU was represented by Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering Mikhail Varfolomeev and Senior Research...

Institute’s projects discussed in Dzerzhinsk

A joint meeting of members of the Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Dzerzhinskkhimregion and representatives of leading universities and research institutes of the Republic of Tatarstan was held in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast. At the initiative of the Science and Technology Foundation of Tatarstan, representatives of the leading universities of Tatarstan were invited to the...