Author - Yury Nurmeev

Institute’s research showcased at Youth Scientific Symposium on the Problems of Geology and Subsoil Development in Tomsk

The event took place on 1 - 5 April. Among KFU participants were: Yevgeniya Morozova, Engineer, Center for Geothermochronology; Dilyara Favarisova, Engineer, Center for Geothermochronology; Regina Sarazieva, Engineer, Center for Geothermochronology; Dilyara Kuzina, Senior Research Associate, Laboratory of Paleoecology, Paleoclimatology and Paleomagnetism; Anastasiya Yusupova, Junior Research Associate, Laboratory of Studies of Oil and Gas Bearing Basins; Bulat Gazizulin, Laboratory Researcher, Laboratory of...

Institute visited by Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The meetings took place on March 29. The guest list included:Alexander Sigov, President of Russian Technoloigcal University MIREA, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ;Dmitrii Markovich, Deputy Chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of Kutateladze Institute of Thermal Physics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the...

Georgy Yaroslavtsev, war hero and prominent geologist

We continue sharing stories about KFU students and employees who contributed to the victory in the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945). Georgy Antonovich Yaroslavtsev was born on August 16, 1916 in the village of Yugo-Kamsky, Okha District, Perm Oblast. In 1933, he entered the first course of the evening preparatory faculty at Kazan University. In...

Institute experts contribute to geological seminar in Almetyevsk

On 19 March, Almetyevsk's Higher School of Petroleum hold a seminar on contemporary questions of geological exploration and subsoil studies. The event was organized by Tatneft and TatNIPIneft Institute. Among the contributors were scientists of Kazan Federal University and Moscow State University. Our University was represented by Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences Danis Nurgaliev, Deputy Director of...

Institute delegation visits Innopolis

The IGPT team was headed by Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences Danis Nurgaliev. He was accompanied by Deputy Director of IGPT for Marketing Ildus Chukmarov, Deputy Director for Innovation Vladislav Sudakov, Senior Research Associate (Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery) Rail Kadyrov, Junior Research Associate (Laboratory of Utilization of Carbon Dioxide in Natural Underground Reservoirs) Airat Yarullin, and...

Junior Research Associate Maria Shipaeva commended at SPE Water Lifecycle Management Conference and Exhibition in Abu Dhabi

She contributed to the event held on 5 - 7 March. The conference included plenary sessions, roundtables, and an exhibition. The topic of the conference is especially relevant at the present time. The oil and gas industry faces new challenges and opportunities in water resource management. Sustainable growth requires a holistic approach that combines operational efficiency,...

Open Doors Day held for prospective enrollees

Over 60 young people and their relatives arrived in person - including people from neighboring cities and even provinces - to learn more about programs offered by the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies. Before the event, the high schoolers were offered small interactive games, such as mineral determination, puzzles, and others. The guests then proceeded to...

Board of Directors of Tatarstan Petroleum Chemistry Investment Holding familiarized with KFU’s latest research

The meeting was headed by Rais (Governor) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and featured Prime Minister of Tatarstan Aleksey Pesoshin. The University was represented by Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences Danis Nurgaliev and Chief Research Associate, Professor Alexander Lamberov. Dr Lamberov presented innovations in heterogeneous catalysts, plasmochemical destruction of medical waste, utilization of dangerous waste, composite water reservoirs, and cybersecurity...

Institute expanding links with TNG-AlGIS

Deputy Director of TNG-AlGIS for Strategic Development Dinar Zamalov visited IGPT on 26 February. Since 2021, TNG-AlGIS has been part of Tatneft, specializing in geographic information, geological survey, navigation, and other related issues. "Our company has long been in collaboration with KFU in various areas. As part of such cooperation, we regularly hold meetings with students and...