Tag - Tatneft

Center for Advanced Training concludes another successful year

In 2024, 1,324 people from 273 oil and gas companies completed training, including Rosneft (and subsidiaries), Gazprom (and subsidiaries), Surgutneftegaz, LUKOIL (and subsidiaries), Gazprom Neft, and Tatneft. 1,091 students improved their qualifications, 136 underwent professional retraining, 209 certificates were issued, 60 students of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies (IGPT) were trained to become...

Institute shows new developments and holds meetings at TatOilExpo 2024

Among the many events was the agreement signing with Yugra State University. The Forum is an effective platform for exchange of ideas, discussion of key industry issues by Russian and foreign specialists and the scientific community of the oil and gas industry, demonstration of the latest developments and technologies, and a meeting place for the scientific,...

Carbonate Sediments 2024 hosted by Institute

The conference takes up August 14 to 16. It brings together more than 150 experts from leading Russian oil companies, universities of the country, as well as experts in the study of carbonate reservoirs. The program of the event, which along with KFU is organized by the Association of Geologists, Geophysicists and Engineers and the Center for...

Director Vladimir Silantyev: “If there was time travel, I would only travel to the future”

Director of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies gave an interview to the KFU Media Communications Center before the new academic year. Vladimir Vladimirovich, many boys are interested in dinosaurs. Did your love for geology and paleontology also begin with them? V.S.: I was not interested in dinosaurs as a child. My love for geology was...

Pertinent issues discussed at Practice GeoChemistry 2024

3rd Scientific and Practical Conference on Petroleum Hydrogeology, Geochemistry and Hydrodynamic Modeling opened at Kazan Federal University on 25 June. The conference is organized by the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies (IGPT) and the Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons. Danis Nurgaliev, Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences, opened the conference. He noted that...

Institute visited by Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Dmitry Afanasyev

On June 12 Dmitry Afanasyev visited the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies. He was met at the Institute by Marat Safiullin, Vice-Rector for Economic and Strategic Development, and Danis Nurgaliev, Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences. The meeting was also attended by Mikhail Varfolomeev, Head of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, and Alexander Bolotov, Roman Paveliev,...

PhD student studies influence of ultrasound on rheological properties of heavy oil

Heavy oil, with its high viscosity and complex composition, presents significant technological and economic challenges for the oil industry. Therefore, the development of new technologies to effectively change the rheological properties of heavy oil is a pertinent task for the oil and gas sector. One of the promising directions for solving this problem is the...

Tatarstan UpExPro 2024 organized at Institute

The conference was organized by the Society of Petroleum Engineers KFU Student Chapter with the support of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies and the Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons. From April 11 to 14, representatives of educational institutions, as well as young scientists and specialists of organizations of the oil and gas industry of Tatarstan...

Institute experts contribute to geological seminar in Almetyevsk

On 19 March, Almetyevsk's Higher School of Petroleum hold a seminar on contemporary questions of geological exploration and subsoil studies. The event was organized by Tatneft and TatNIPIneft Institute. Among the contributors were scientists of Kazan Federal University and Moscow State University. Our University was represented by Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences Danis Nurgaliev, Deputy Director of...

Institute expanding links with TNG-AlGIS

Deputy Director of TNG-AlGIS for Strategic Development Dinar Zamalov visited IGPT on 26 February. Since 2021, TNG-AlGIS has been part of Tatneft, specializing in geographic information, geological survey, navigation, and other related issues. "Our company has long been in collaboration with KFU in various areas. As part of such cooperation, we regularly hold meetings with students and...