Tag - Canada

Director Vladimir Silantyev: “If there was time travel, I would only travel to the future”

Director of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies gave an interview to the KFU Media Communications Center before the new academic year. Vladimir Vladimirovich, many boys are interested in dinosaurs. Did your love for geology and paleontology also begin with them? V.S.: I was not interested in dinosaurs as a child. My love for geology was...

International Young Scientists School on Catalytic Refining of Heavy Oil held at KFU

The Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies headlined the event with support from Russian Science Foundation. The event featured over 60 young scientists and contributions from Mexican Petroleum Institute, Xi’an Jiaotong University (China), the University of Alberta (Canada), Chengdu University of Technology (China), Niroo Research Institute (Iran), Samarkand State University (Uzbekistan), Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis...