Tag - biography

Scientific Regiment: Alexander Vasilyev’s letter from the frontline

Kazan Federal University continues to publish a series of materials as part of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science’s Scientific Regiment campaign. Before the year of the 80th anniversary of the Victory, we tell about the courage and heroism of the university’s students and teachers during the Great Patriotic War. AlexanderVasilyev went to the front...

Director of KFU’s Magnetic Observatory Mikhail Cherzor celebrates 85th birthday

One of the most senior employees of Kazan Federal University has been warmly congratulated by his many colleagues and students. Mr Cherzor was born in Kazan, where after graduating from school with a silver medal he enrolled in Kazan State University (now Kazan Federal University). “It is noteworthy that I could have graduated with a gold medal,...

Institute’s most senior employee, Vyacheslav Smelkov, passes away aged 87

A farewell ceremony was held at the Institute. Dr Smelkov was born in a family of public servants in 1938 in Vysokaya Gora district of Tatar Republic. After graduating from school he entered the Faculty of Geology, specializing in geology and exploration of oil and gas fields. In 1960, he graduated from the university with honors,...

Georgy Yaroslavtsev, war hero and prominent geologist

We continue sharing stories about KFU students and employees who contributed to the victory in the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945). Georgy Antonovich Yaroslavtsev was born on August 16, 1916 in the village of Yugo-Kamsky, Okha District, Perm Oblast. In 1933, he entered the first course of the evening preparatory faculty at Kazan University. In...

Amine Khelkhal: “Russia is the best country in the world for me”

Senior Research Associate of the Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery and the Laboratory of Catalytic Aquathermolysis gave an interview to Open Talk about Russia, a popular YouTube channel featuring conversations with persons who have immigrated to Russia from various countries and found their calling here. Amine shares that he didn’t initially think about Russia when he graduated from the...

Shtukenberg Geological Museum opens exhibition commemorating Professor Ivan Penkov

The exhibition commemorates his 100th anniversary.   From a school bench to the war fronts Ivan Penkov (1923 - 2021) is warmly remembered as a prominent geologist, teacher, mentor, avid skier, gymnast, enthusiast fisher, and an overall good-hearted optimist. Penkov's descendants and relatives The future geologist was born in 1923 in the village of Sokolovka, Nikolskoe District, Penza Oblast. He...