International team studies the role of water in the process of hydrothermal desulfurization of hydrocarbon resource components

The paper was published in Chemical Engineering Journal. Technologies of underground partial refining of heavy oil are a promising area of the oil and gas industry. As the Laboratory of In-Situ Combustion has shown, an important role in these processes is played by water, which acts not only as a medium, but also participates in chemical...

Institute hosts welcome ceremony for freshmen

On 2 September, the Institute leadership spoke with new students via video link - face-to-face teaching has been postponed until 1 November due to preparations for the 2024 BRICS Summit. Vice-Rector Danis Nurgaliev took the floor to address the young people. “Dear friends, I congratulate you, as you have become students of Kazan Federal University - one...

Institute shows new developments and holds meetings at TatOilExpo 2024

Among the many events was the agreement signing with Yugra State University. The Forum is an effective platform for exchange of ideas, discussion of key industry issues by Russian and foreign specialists and the scientific community of the oil and gas industry, demonstration of the latest developments and technologies, and a meeting place for the scientific,...

New developments discussed by Tatarstan Petroleum Chemistry Investment Holding

Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering Mikhail Varfolomeev told about KFU's new Center for Engineering Development in Low-Tonnage Chemistry. The project aims to develop technologies of hydraulic fracturing, drilling, enhanced oil recovery, well treatment, gas and water blocking, product preparation and transportation. During his report Mikhail Varfolomeev informed the audience about the creation of an engineering...

Cooperation agreement signed with Yugra State University

Rector of Kazan Federal University Lenar Safin and Rector of Yugra University Roman Kuchin signed a cooperation agreement. The signing took place Today, August 26, on the premises of the Tatarstan Oil, Gas and Petrochemistry Forum at Kazan Expo. The parties will develop long-term partnership in scientific and educational matters. In particular, joint projects are planned...

Institute employee inducted into the Presidium of the Presidential Council on Science and Education

The new roster of the Council included 46 individuals, including Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, who has been a member since April 2023 and is now part of the Presidium. “I participated in the implementation of the council's activities in areas related to the awarding of state prizes, the approval of the new strategy...

Gas-tight syringe developed by winner of Student Startup

Vladislav Chalin, KFU alumnus, Laboratory Assistant of the Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery, is creating a promising model of a gas-tight syringe made of domestic materials; the funding is to be provided by Student Startup. He will receive 1 million rubles to produce a pilot batch of syringes. “In the laboratory, we perform many types of research,...

Center for Liquid Hydrocarbons optimizing technology of supercritical water application for enhanced oil recovery

A research team of scientists from Kazan Federal University presented the results of creating a kinetic model to describe the conversion processes of organic shale under thermochemical action in the presence of various catalysts. The results saw light in Journal of Supercritical Fluids. The kinetic data show that the catalyst intensifies the conversion reactions of organic matter from...

Carbonate Sediments 2024 hosted by Institute

The conference takes up August 14 to 16. It brings together more than 150 experts from leading Russian oil companies, universities of the country, as well as experts in the study of carbonate reservoirs. The program of the event, which along with KFU is organized by the Association of Geologists, Geophysicists and Engineers and the Center for...

Geology and petroleum science to be featured at 3rd OIC Youth Congress – applications open

Over 100 young scientists are planned to join the event on 6 – 9 November 2024. Among the announced thematic sessions biomedicine and biotechnology, geology and petroleum technologies, international relations and international law, architecture and design, and educational technologies. The Congress is open to young researchers aged 18 to 35 representing OIC member and observer countries. The...