Presidential Council for Science and Education holds year-end meeting

Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering Mikhail Varfolomeev joined the meeting as one of the members of the current convocation. On December 23, members of the Presidential Council for Science and Education discussed the issue of providing engineering personnel for priority areas of scientific and technological development to achieve technological leadership. "A number of problems require...

Three Institute employees win Tatarstan Academy of Sciences grants for young scientists

The Academy announced the results in late December. Our colleagues set to receive grant funding are: Raushaniya Mudarisova - Development of a methodology for searching for carbonate reservoirs of super-viscous oil in the Permian deposits of the Republic of Tatarstan; Kamil Minnebaev - Sources of detrital material of the Middle Devonian-Early Permian rocks of the South Tatar arch...

Scientific Regiment: Alexander Vasilyev’s letter from the frontline

Kazan Federal University continues to publish a series of materials as part of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science’s Scientific Regiment campaign. Before the year of the 80th anniversary of the Victory, we tell about the courage and heroism of the university’s students and teachers during the Great Patriotic War. AlexanderVasilyev went to the front...

Chinese students of the Preparatory School get acquainted with the Institute’s programs

The presentation in Chinese took place in the new building of the preparatory faculty in Kazan at 12 Isaeva Street. The Institute was represented at the meeting by Deputy Director for Advanced Training and Industrial Partnerships Ildus Chukmarov and International Cooperation Officer Yury Nurmeev. A special guest of the meeting was Deputy General Director – Head...

KFU working on various hydrate formation promoters

Scientists have synthesized a new surfactant containing sulfonate, amide and carboxyl groups (SSAC). The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Hydrate Technologies of Utilization and Storage of Greenhouse Gases with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia. Today, one of the most promising methods of natural gas storage and transportation...

Russia-Cuba Friendship Society celebrated 60th anniversary

The ceremony took place on 14 November 2024 at the Central House of Scientists in Moscow. Ildus Chukmarov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies for Advanced Training and Industrial Partnerships, Chairman of the Tatarstan Regional Branch of the Russia-Cuba Friendship Society. The participants were welcomed by Alexei Lavrov, President of RCFS, Julio Garmendia Peña,...

Noyabrskneftegaz expanding cooperation with KFU

Students, teachers and HR specialists from specialized higher education institutions that are members of Gazprom Neft's University League visited the company's production facilities and well production and construction control centers, and got acquainted with the social infrastructure of Noyabrsk and Muravlenko towns. Among them were representatives of the Institute - Ilyas Idrisov, Head of the...

Laboratory of Petrophysics and Oil Reservoir Physics opened with support from Rosneft

The event took place on 11 November. The grand opening of the laboratory was hosted by Danis Nurgaliev, Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences. Also present were Ildus Chukmarov, Deputy Director for Marketing - Director of the Center for Advanced Training (CdoGEO), and Andrey Teryokhin, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs. The laboratory was created with the support of the...

Institute visited by representatives of Peking University

The delegation of the one top global universities included Vice-President Piao Shilong, Deputy Head of the International Cooperation Department Jiang Xiaotao, and Senior Engineer of the School of Earth and Space Sciences Li Xiaoli. They arrived to partake in ROSTKI Russia-China Forum in Kazan, where Dr Piao joined one of the panel discussions. Piao Shilong, Vice...