Institute employee inducted into the Presidium of the Presidential Council on Science and Education

Institute employee inducted into the Presidium of the Presidential Council on Science and Education

The new roster of the Council included 46 individuals, including Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, who has been a member since April 2023 and is now part of the Presidium.

“I participated in the implementation of the council’s activities in areas related to the awarding of state prizes, the approval of the new strategy of scientific and technological development and the formation of priority areas of technological development of the Russian Federation,” said Varfolomeev.

The strategy of scientific and technological development defines the goals, tasks and priorities of scientific and technological development of the country, establishes the directions of state policy in this area and measures for their implementation.

Meetings of the Council on Science and Education are held at least once every six months. Its members take part in the work on a voluntary basis. Working groups are formed from the members of the Council and experts which deal with the problems of training qualified specialists for the socio-economic development of the regions, the development of research infrastructure and mechanisms to support the scientific and educational sphere, scientific support for the effective use of natural resources.

In its work, the Council coordinates with authorities of different levels and institutions, structures of science and education. Issues related to the awarding of state prizes and the submission of relevant proposals to the President of the Russian Federation are also discussed.