
KFU represented at Future Technologies Forum

The annual flagship event, which presents innovative technologies and scientific developments that determine the vector of development of economic sectors in the coming years, was held at the World Trade Center in Moscow. The participants included Mikhail Varfolomeev, Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering, and Irek Mukhamatdinov, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery. The...

Experience of using low-mineralized waters in oil fields discussed at Institute

Today, when most large oil fields are at the final stage of development, the problem of formation water cut is becoming critical. At a number of fields, the water cut level exceeds 90%, which makes the composition of the injected water a key factor influencing the efficiency of oil displacement. This problem is especially acute...

Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting held at Institute

The conference was opened by Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences Danis Nurgaliev. He emphasized that this year's conference is marked by an important date: November 17 is the 190th anniversary of the birth of Nikolay Golovkinsky. The meeting took up 28 to 30 October. “Golovkinsky is the Einstein of geology, and these are not just fancy words,"...

Institute representatives join 1st Congress of the Association of Geologists, Geophysicists and Engineers

The event was part of the Russian Energy Industry Conference in Moscow on 15 October. The Institute was represented by Danis Nurgaliev, Vice-Rector for Earth Sciences, Ildus Chukmarov, Deputy Director of IGPT for Marketing and Director of CdoGEO (Center for Advanced Training), and Vladislav Sudakov, Deputy Director of Gazpromneft-KFU Center for Marketing. Danis Nurgaliev told about the...

KFU represented at 22nd Mendeleev Congress in Sirius

From 7 to 12 October, chemists and industrial partners from around Russia gathered in Krasnodar Krai, including Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering Mikhail Varfolomeev and KFU's invited scholar, Professor of the Mexican Petroleum Institute Jorge Ancheyta. “I presented the results of catalytic aquathermolysis technology, which is fundamentally new and allows the conversion of heavy...

IGPT scientists contribute to a conference in Suzdal

IGPT representatives took part in the International Conference for the 70th anniversary of the Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences 'Data Science, Geoinformatics and System Analysis in Earth Studies', held in the ancient city of Suzdal in Vladimir Oblast. The reports were delivered by...

Irek Mukhamatdinov contributes to the 13th International Conference on Oil and Gas Chemistry in Tomsk

As is the tradition, the work was held in four sections: chemistry of oil and gas; oil and gas recovery enhancement, preparation, transportation of oil and gas; thermal and thermocatalytic processes of processing of carbon- and hydrocarbon-containing raw materials; alternative methods of processing of traditional and unconventional raw materials. Among the speakers was Irek Mukhamatdinov,...

Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting 2024 invites to register

The meeting is scheduled for 28 - 30 October; the registration deadline is 10 October. SESSION TITLES Stratigraphy, Palaeontology: fundamental and applied aspects Geochemistry Palaeoclimate, Palaeogeography Mineralogy, Lithology, Geophysical methods, Minerals Sedimentary Basins, hydrocarbon potential Upper Palaeozoic of Russia MEETING FORMAT The Meeting will consist of mixed physical and online modes. Plenary lectures are limited to 20 minutes; regular talks are limited to 10 minutes...

Carbonate Sediments 2024 hosted by Institute

The conference takes up August 14 to 16. It brings together more than 150 experts from leading Russian oil companies, universities of the country, as well as experts in the study of carbonate reservoirs. The program of the event, which along with KFU is organized by the Association of Geologists, Geophysicists and Engineers and the Center for...